Beyonce’s father, Mathew Knowles, is suffering from breast cancer.

Posted August 13, 2020 by: Admin
Sadly for all family members, that means he could have passed on the same risks to his children and grandchildren. However, he pointed out that they took precautions because of this gene discovery and were also examined.
Knowles went on to explain how he discovered his disease. His worries began when he discovered small spots of blood on his shirts at the chest area. He didn’t think it was serious, but he finally decided to go to his doctor and get a mammogram. That’s when he was officially diagnosed.
Knowles had surgery since then to treat his disease and has said that he is doing well now. He has also made positive lifestyle changes by deciding to stop consuming alcohol and practicing meditation.
Male breast cancer
Although breast cancer is generally associated with women, it can also affect some men. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 2,200 men and 245,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year.
It also appears that African-American men and women are more likely to develop this type of cancer.
Things to watch out from.
Experts say that the symptoms of breast cancer in men are also similar to those seen in women. These symptoms may include a lump in the breasts, and the armpit, discharge from the nipple without being compressed, or a change in the size or shape of the breast.
The American Cancer Society has also reported common symptoms such as redness in the breast area, nipple changes, and visible dimples on the skin.
Radiation therapy and lumpectomy, the removal of a lump of breast tissue, are also considered possible and very helpful treatments.