A healthy brain in a healthy body : Steps to follow

Posted August 14, 2020 by: Admin
Sleep well.
Memory, concentration, and attention are influenced by sleep. The longer we sleep deeply, the better the consequences on our memory capacity and our psychological health.
Sleep is the best way to have both a healthy body and a healthy brain.
Depriving ourselves of sleep makes it difficult to perform at a higher level. Your reaction time is slowed or delayed, your concentration is disturbed and your memory is confused. It should also be noted that people who have insomnia may be at greater risk of developing dementia.
Once people are asleep, the brain begins to “cleanse” itself. It is therefore imperative to get a good quality sleep every night.
Drink water.
As 75% of the human brain is made up of water, making sure you stay hydrated is important for good cognitive function. According to the Mayo Clinic, 3 liters is the recommended amount for men, while the recommended amount for women is 2.2 liters.
Moisturization has a significant effect on everything: skin, muscles, joints, endurance, physical performance, and energy levels.
In research released in 2012, scientists at the University of Connecticut’s Human Performance Library shown that even slight dehydration can affect your ability to concentrate and cause you to experience slight anxiety.