Tom had a real passion for cars but…

Posted August 24, 2023 by: Admin
Tom ultimately reached the conclusion to wed his girlfriend of many years. Following their honeymoon, he found himself tidying up one of his cherished hot rods in preparation for an upcoming exhibition. Positioned next to the workbench, his spouse observed in silence for a brief period before breaking her quietude.
“Darling, I’ve been contemplating. Given that we’re now married, perhaps it’s an opportune time for you to curtail your extensive hours in the garage and contemplate parting with some of your automobiles.”
A glimpse of terror swept across Tom’s countenance.
“Is something amiss, my dear?” she inquired.
“Just for a moment there, you sounded exactly like my former spouse,” he retorted.
“Ex-wife?!” she screamed. “You never told me you were married before!”
Tom’s response?
“I wasn’t.”
An unhappy wife expressed her frustration regarding her husband’s excessive spending…
An irate wife was expressing her grievances about her husband consistently squandering his leisure hours at a local bar.
Therefore, one evening, he decided to bring her along.
“What will you indulge in?” he inquired.
“Well, I’m not certain. Probably the same as you,” she responded.
Consequently, the husband requested beers, promptly downing his in a single gulp.
Observing him, his wife took a tentative sip from her glass and immediately spewed it out.
“Goodness, that’s AWFUL!” she spluttered, “I can’t fathom how you manage to consume this liquid!”
With exasperation, the husband declared, “There you have it! And you assume I’m relishing myself every night!”