Resilient Kitten Nori: Tiny but Mighty Spirit, Thriving in Foster Care

Posted October 24, 2023 by: Admin
A kitten, discovered outdoors at just two weeks old, exhibits a “tiny but mighty” spirit and refuses to let anything hinder her.
Nori the kittenTiny Paws Fosters
A kind-hearted individual found a solitary kitten outdoors, abandoned by her mother and littermates. The kitten was taken to an emergency animal hospital and estimated to be a mere two weeks old.
The little kitten was frail and emaciated, but her vocal prowess was remarkable. She was ravenous and in urgent need of round-the-clock care, including bottle feeding. The veterinary team reached out to their local animal rescue organization in hopes of finding her a foster home.
When Nadija from AnimalLuvr’s Dream Rescue arrived to collect the kitten, she was instantly captivated by the tiny wonder who was loudly voicing her needs.
She was discovered alone outdoors at just two weeks oldTiny Paws Fosters
“She certainly has a strong voice and is eager for her meal,” Nadija shared with Love Meow.
The kitten readily took to the bottle, eagerly consuming the formula like a champion, not letting go until every last drop was finished. “She had gone quite a while without a meal before being rescued.”
Tiny Paws Fosters
The kitten, named Nori, activated her tiny purring engine after her satisfying meal. That night, she was finally able to get some much-needed rest in a warm and cozy bed with a full tummy.
The bottle-fed baby quickly settled into a routine of being fed and cared for every couple of hours. She would eat to her heart’s content and then purr herself to sleep.
The kitten was provided with plenty of soft items and a comforting snuggle toyTiny Paws Fosters
For a while, she cried out for constant attention, so Nadija placed a snuggle toy with a heartbeat and a faux fur blanket in her crib to provide extra comfort.
“I’m hoping something ‘furry’ might help her snuggle up and sleep a little better too.”
Tiny Paws Fosters
After several days of meticulous care, the kitten was back on track, gaining weight and becoming more energetic. “Nori is growing rapidly and now resembles a miniature cat.”
As soon as the tabby girl felt the spring in her step, she was up on all fours, ready to explore.
She climbed up her foster mom for post-meal snugglesTiny Paws Fosters
Her curiosity and activity levels were steadily increasing, and she required more space to satisfy her hunger for adventure.
Once she touched the floor of her expanded play area, she took off, darting around like a little whirlwind.
She became very active and was ready to exploreTiny Paws Fosters
“She got to explore the hallway with my dog, Ollie, closely watching over her, and then we cuddled on
the couch.”
Despite her small size, the kitten possesses a mighty spirit and is the bravest of them all.
Ollie the resident dog watched the kitten as she exploredTiny Paws Fosters
Ollie, the gentle giant, took the kitten under his wing, allowing her to nuzzle and knead on him for comfort.
This week, Nori achieved yet another significant milestone. She began playing with toys for the first time in her life.
Tiny Paws Fosters
Nori had various toys scattered around her playpen, but she had shown little interest until yesterday when she suddenly pounced on a couple of adjacent toys and started playfully wrestling with them.
Nadija entered the room to find the kitten engrossed in a spirited game, enthusiastically engaging with her toys.
She started playing with toys for the first time yesterdayTiny Paws Fosters
With the love and care of her foster home, the spirited little kitten is thriving, and her unique personality is shining through. She lives each day to the fullest and refuses to let anything hinder her from enjoying life.
Tiny Paws Fosters
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