Orchids in full bloom: Essential tips and advice

Posted October 18, 2023 by: Admin
Have you ever noticed that, despite your best efforts, your orchids don’t always seem to thrive as you’d like, especially in the summer? Don’t worry, because this is a perfectly normal situation.
These plants, as living organisms, need specific nutrients to trigger fundamental processes. These processes are essential for rapid growth, lush leaves, vigorous roots, and abundant flowering.
Healthy Orchid: Useful Information
The soil in which your orchids grow doesn’t always have the necessary biochemical characteristics to promote these processes. Fortunately, there are fertilizers that can help you overcome these obstacles.
However, finding quality fertilizer suitable for your orchids can be a challenge, not to mention the hassle of transporting heavy bags. Fortunately, there’s a powerful little trick to repurpose food scraps that you might otherwise throw away.
All you need are very ripe bananas, water, and a saucepan. Bananas are rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium, making them an excellent nutritional supplement for your plants.
Take a few ripe bananas and cut them into thick slices. Weigh 100 grams of bananas and place them in a saucepan with a liter of water. Bring the water to a boil and let it simmer for 40 minutes on low heat. Then, let the saucepan and its contents cool completely.
In the meantime, prepare your orchids to absorb these nutrients by lightly watering them. This trick will strengthen the roots of your orchids, improve the quality of flowering, and intensify the color of their leaves.
Other Precautions to Take
Another crucial element in maintaining the health of your plants is the timing of watering. The ideal times, especially in the summer, are early in the morning or late in the afternoon when the air is cooler.
Take a small amount of the liquid from the saucepan to immediately help your orchids recover. The rest of the liquid can be mixed with the banana slices (including the peel) to create an eco-friendly and natural fertilizer.
The fertilizer thus prepared can be used by diluting it in a ratio of 4 parts water to 1 part fertilizer. The undiluted portion can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. You’ll find that this is a simple, practical, and environmentally-friendly solution for nourishing your orchids.