Heartwarming Story of Storie: A Pregnant Pit Bull’s Journey to Motherhood

Posted September 26, 2023 by: Admin
Organization and Management
Already, the couple wasn’t sure if they could handle six puppies, and with this new revelation, things became even more complicated.
Good News
However, there was good news in the midst of it all. The twelve puppies were healthy and doing well. However, the veterinarian had no idea how Storie would handle such a delivery.
According to him, it was best for her to go home so she could give birth comfortably under the best possible conditions. He asked the couple to wait for 48 hours and return if nothing changed.
Adaptable Conditions
Back home, Chris and Mariesa could do nothing but wait and hope for the best.
However, Mariesa couldn’t sit idly by, so she decided to transform the guest room into a haven of peace for her dog!
She created a cozy space where Storie would feel at home, safe from prying eyes. The couple ensured the room’s temperature was just right and kept it quiet.
Lack of Sleep
Tired, Storie nestled into the blankets and fell asleep right away. The couple followed suit.
A few hours later, they were startled by a strange noise in the house.
An Amazing Feat
Noticing that their other dogs were sleeping peacefully, the couple checked on Storie. Upon opening the door to the room, they discovered that Storie wasn’t sleeping at all; she was busy taking care of her twelve puppies!