Foster Mom’s Dedication: Saving Six Tiny Lives in Need

Adoption Animal Rescue animal shelter Blossom bonding cat cat mom family feeding foster care foster home independent kittens loving homes motherhood pet adoption siblings tube-feeding volunteers weaning

Posted October 27, 2023 by: Admin #Animals

Earlier this year, a cat and her six newborns found themselves at an animal shelter, desperately in need of a foster home. Jenny, a dedicated volunteer at the shelter, welcomed this feline family with open arms.


Upon arrival, Jenny observed that the mother cat was not actively nursing her kittens, and her milk supply was alarmingly low. “When I picked them up, the kittens were lethargic, had low energy, and despite being a few days old, all of them still weighed under 100 grams,” Jenny shared with Love Meow.

six tabby kittens lineup

“The babies were trying to nurse but weren’t getting the nourishment they needed.”


cat nursing kittens tabbies

Jenny attempted to bottle-feed the kittens, but they were too fragile to suckle. She ended up tube-feeding them around the clock for several days, a challenging task to undertake alone.

“When they regained some energy, I reunited them with Blossom, the cat mom.”


sweet cat nursing kittens

Even though Blossom’s milk supply started to increase, it still wasn’t enough to satisfy the hunger of six growing kittens, so Jenny continued to supplement their feedings as required.

In the following days, Blossom spent most of her time lounging away from her kittens. She would respond when they cried, clean and nurse them to the best of her ability, but it was evident that the responsibilities were taking a toll on her.


kittens walking blanket

Blossom had a sweet disposition but much preferred to have her own space. When the kittens began to lose weight, and Blossom’s appetite and energy declined, Jenny made the difficult decision to intervene for the kittens’ well-being.

“I gave it about two weeks to see if Blossom would be able to adequately care for them before finally having to separate.”

fluffy tabby kittens


Once in her new foster home, Blossom immediately relaxed and began enjoying the company of her human caregivers. Her calm and endearing personality returned.

“I had been tube-feeding the kittens as they refused to take a bottle. Feeding six kittens through a tube every couple of hours left me exhausted and in need of assistance.”

fluffy kittens snuggle cuddle


A fellow foster caregiver named Penny came to lend a hand for the weekend. Once all the kittens were able to latch onto a bottle, their appetites soared.

The group of six kittens, lovingly named Chiclet, Skittles, Pez, Tic Tac, Jelly Bean, and Gumdrop, transitioned to a spacious room as they became more curious and mobile. They explored their surroundings and attempted to climb whatever they could reach with their tiny paws.

playful fluffy kittens

As they started weaning, the mischievous sextet frequently covered themselves in food, creating a fluffy mess for their foster mom to clean up.


While the kittens were reaching important milestones, Blossom went on to find the loving family she deserved. “It’s a wonderful feeling to break the cycle (often they’ve had multiple litters) and place them in a caring home.”

sweet tabby cat

When all six kittens raced around the house simultaneously, their collective paws and joyful meows filled the air, creating a heartwarming spectacle.

The kittens quickly made friends with other fosters, frolicking with them as if they owned the place. “They effortlessly formed a new crew with any other kittens in their vicinity, whether related or not.”


fluffy kittens tabby

When the “candy” kittens were ready for their next adventure, they were adopted one by one by loving families.

A family in search of a companion for their young cat found a perfect match in Jelly Bean. “They fell in love with her, and she’ll have a human sister to love and adore.”

fluffy kittens cat friend

Chiclet and Tic Tac, with their boundless energy and synchronized play, found a family looking for two playful kittens, and they quickly became the perfect addition to their new home.

“They went home that weekend and are keeping their new parents entertained.”

kittens fluffy window watching

Pez, the most independent of the bunch, found his forever home as well. While the others dashed around the house with their playful antics, Pez preferred to find a quiet spot for a peaceful nap.

“Pez went home with his excited parents and now has a kitten friend of his age to grow up with.”

fluffy tabby kittens

Skittles and Gumdrop, the inseparable sisters, were fortunate to find a loving home together with a new feline brother and sister to share their lives with.

“They are angels and were destined to stay together,” their adopter joyfully shared.

tabby fluffy sister kittens

NEXT: Man Builds His Rescue Dog With Trust Issues A Mini House In The Living Room To Let Him Have Some ‘Alone Time’

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