Conversations Between a Mother and Baby Dromedary: Life’s Adaptations Revealed

Posted August 21, 2023 by: Admin
Later on, the young dromedary persists:
Baby: Tell me, Mom, why do we have this big hump on our backs?
Mother, a bit exasperated by the questions, responds:
Mother: The hump stores water for our long desert journeys. It enables us to go without drinking for several dozen days!
Baby: Okay, Mom. So we have wide feet to avoid sinking, long eyebrows to protect our eyes from sand, and the hump on our back to store water for our long desert journeys… But then, Mom, let me ask you one thing…
Mother: Yes, my child?
Baby: What are we doing here in the Zoo?
Moral: Just as the dromedary’s natural habitat is the desert, each being finds its true purpose and contentment in an environment that aligns with its inherent nature. The dromedary’s story underscores the importance of recognizing and preserving the natural habitats of all creatures, emphasizing that their well-being thrives when they are allowed to flourish in the surroundings they are meant for.